TextMuse – Explore, Share and Connect with a Simple Tap

Share unique finds with friends!

Most of us communicate via Smartphone or some electronic device using text messages, either typed in or voiced, to relay a message, send an alert, or brighten one’s day. Every so often we stumble across something so unique, fun or interesting that we want to share right that moment, but oftentimes, that moment is not quite conducive to opening up an email account and sending a message with a link.

What would be awesome is the ability to send that special find via text message. TextMuse is an app that provides exactly that. TextMuse, offered by L.A. Loosh, is an app that has crafted a whole new meaning to communication through a cleverly crafted interface that’s easy to use and fun to explore.

It basically provides users an environment in which to explore a myriad of subjects and interest, and seamlessly allows you to share unique finds with friends by taking advantage of your texting app. Users can select from quotes that inspire, informative news articles and breaking updates, deals of the days, thought-provoking facts, and more. All you have to do is sign up, sign in and explore!

Sharing is just as easy. You can send interesting things that you find to anyone in your contacts list. Recipients can be individuals or you can even create groups. Photos that you like can also be sent.

When you open TextMuse, it requires you to create an account, which is quick and easy. From there, you can scroll down to see the available information categories. These include Trending, Highlighted, News, Inspiring Quotes, Birthdays and Occasions, Fitness and Health, plus so many more. At the very top, you will see a new piece of info scroll across the top every few seconds, to keep you engaged.

If you feel like too many topics are being displayed and you’d like to customize your feed a bit, simply tap on the gear icon found at the very top right corner. This will take you to the Settings page. From here you can:

  • Select/deselect categories to view. Note, the Trending and Highlighted categories will always appear and cannot be turned off. To select/deselect, you must tap on the very far left side of the line you want to change. When something is selected as viewable, it will show a blue circle with a check mark. When something is deselected, it will show an empty circle.
  • Choose how you would like to sort your Contacts List from within the app.
  • Turn Notifications ON or OFF. This allows you to get notified when new content is available.
  • Select how many recent new contacts you would like to save, so you have quick access to them.
  • Select how many notes you would like to save, so you can use them again without searching for them.

One feature that was a bit frustrating and hard to manage was the fact that categories can only be selected/deselected by tapping on a very small area (i.e., the small circle). I tried several times to tap on the wording, with no luck. Trying to hone in on that small dot is a bit difficult. (TextMuse is also available on Android).

This app makes sharing information and trivialities a snap, helping you stay connected, informed and entertained while allowing you to share all that you find.

Rating: 8.7/ 10
Price: Free

Vanessa Jane

Vanessa writes and edits content for AlphaDigits, a rapidly growing app marketing network. Having tested over 1k applications, she is on a mission to find impressive apps for mobile devices.

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