
SMCourse – Get Stock Market Savvy and Make Better Long Term Decisions

If you are like almost any other person, you probably have some money invested in the stock market, whether it be money you put in to purchase stock or money your employer put in. It could be in your long term personal investments or in your retirement account. No matter the reason, you owe it to yourself to understand how the stock market works so you can make it work for you.

The first step is to get educated. If you don’t have time to attend a seminar or class, no worries! You can download SMCourse and get all the information you need to get started. It’s a free app that explains the stock market and even provides modules in which you dive deep into certain areas and then get tested on it. The overall purpose of the app is to inform and educate and ensure you understand the material presented. In no way does the app guarantee any type of results in your investments, of course, but it does provide you with knowledge you can use to make better decisions and understand how you can grow your wealth over time and become financially independent.

To start, there’s an instructions page that explains how the app is laid out and how it works. Next, you can open up the course, which starts with an outline of the content, so you have a bird’s eye view of what you’ll be reading. At this level, you can also see how many modules you’ve gone through. If you tap on a module’s title, the app will take you to the content for that subject. You can then read it from the device or you can print a PDF.

The course itself is sectioned into three parts with a total of 30 topics. It is highly recommended that you follow each section in the prescribed order, so you can capture a better understanding of the course. Once you have completed the sections or topic, you can proceed to the Review area of the app, which provides quizzes on what you’ve learned.

To add a dash of fun to the app, the creators have provided a game that you can play called Stock Market Guru. You can play at any time, but it’s recommended that you play after reviewing the course materials. Personally, I would take it first to see how you do, and then take it again after you’ve completed the course, just to have a comparison of how what you learned.

The app stresses that this course is not meant for speculators or anyone interested in getting rich quick. This course offers insight on how to make smart investments that will grow over the long-term, will provide you growth and won’t take deep dips in loss when the market grows cold. Again, no guarantees, but rather, insights on how to make better investment decisions.

If there were anything I could wish for in the app, it would be to have the course content read to me. I would love to be able to play it in my car on my way to work or when I’m driving around.  I think being able to listen to the content will help you extract more.

As it stands, this app is very insightful and helps explain what the stock market is all about and how you can get a smart start to investing in it.

Rating:  8/ 10
Price: Free

Vanessa Jane

Vanessa writes and edits content for AlphaDigits, a rapidly growing app marketing network. Having tested over 1k applications, she is on a mission to find impressive apps for mobile devices.

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