Managing and tracking your expenses is very important in your personal life. It becomes even more essential if you own a small business. The longer you keep ignoring the paperwork, the higher will be the pile up on your desk. For instance, you might be someone who uses your own credit card to book a conference room for a business meeting of the company you work for and forget to reimburse it later. You might have even booked a cab to meet a prospective client, paid with your own cash, and thrown the receipt away. Therefore, it becomes essential to make a note of all your out-of-pocket expenses, along with the receipts.
There is no such thing as the perfect time to note down your expenses. The sooner you note them down, the greater they will benefit you. Take a minute or two out of your day to record your expenses. Those 2 minutes need not come from your leisure time. When you are waiting to board a train or at a restaurant for your order to arrive, you can take out your Smartphone to take a picture of the receipt and save it in your gallery.
Even saved receipts can be annoying when they start filling so much space in your phone. It might take an eternity when you are in a hurry to locate “The Receipt”. Receipt Catcher Evo by DNA apps is here to provide an all-in-one solution to all your problems.
This app can be fully customized and retrofit to meet your requirements, be it at home or work. As soon as you make an expense, take out your mobile and open the Receipt Catcher Evo app. The picture you take of the receipt is automatically snap-fit to an A4/US letter page that no other app does. You can even change the resolution of the images through the settings. Add essential pieces of information such as the company or category name, personal or official expense, category, vendor, total, and tax. All the data saved in the app are backed up on a remote server so that you can be sure of not losing a receipt again in your life.
When required, the apps help you view and export receipts by a category or two or all categories, through email or print the report. Downloadable formats include CSV and PDF. Before exporting, you can even edit and add your own logo to the expense report. Enter your VAT or tax rate, and Receipt Catcher Evo makes your tax returns easy by working it out for you.
When you make a foreign purchase, after entering the amount shown in the receipt, you can even manually override the foreign currency to the rate received. You can also change the home currency from settings. While dealing with refunds, you can add minus entries. The app even supports split-screen with iPhone X and iPad.
So, what are you waiting for? Download the app and sign-up today to enjoy unlimited benefits.
Rating: 8/ 10
Price: Free
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