iPhone app review

TradedTrends All-in-one Market Research App Helps You Stay Up-to-Date

Did you know that financial news and the sentiments present in the market regulate the stock market movement? If you…

3 years ago

Plan and Organize your Long to-do-list at Ease with Cruise App

"An hour of planning will save you 10 hours of doing," said Dale Carnegie long ago, so long ago. By…

3 years ago

Book a Book on Bookie – The Free Book App

For those of us with the desire to read, but do not have the time to go to the library,…

6 years ago

Selfie Games – Mobiles Make for More Fun at Parties

Looking for something new to do at your next function, whether it be at home or with your team? Look…

6 years ago

Addalets – Word Puzzle to Stretch and Strengthen Your Mind

There’s no doubt that a strong command of any language you communicate in is a strength that cannot be measured.…

6 years ago

Coach Guitar – Independently Learn to Strum the Strings of a Guitar

Have an interest in learning how to play the guitar, but just don't have the time to take classes? Well,…

8 years ago

Pinxter iPhone App Video Review

Pinxter is a new social fashion design app that helps users get instant feedback on their outfit. Just upload a…

11 years ago

Plan Your Workout Sessions with SEAL Fitness Challenge

Your physical fitness starts here!  Doing workouts can be a great way to increase endurance, burn fat, build muscles and…

12 years ago