Track World Currency Rates with iCurrency Plus

Know the currency rates on the go! 

Currency rates change every second and if you are in a business that has something to do with the currency conversion rate, it would really be a headache to track these changes. Let me suggest you a solution in this review.

iCurrency Plus screenshotiCurrency Plus is an iOS app that helps users monitor the changes in the currency conversion rates. As the rates will be shown in almost real-time, accuracy is guaranteed. It shows graphical representation to show trends on daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly representations. Users can also get push notification during the critical currency changes. They need to set values of a few currencies over a period of time and this app will notify them if the change is larger than the percentage they choose.

iCurrency Plus 1 screenshotThe impressive feature about this app is, it can show the currency conversion rates even in the lock screen and also in the notification center. At present, iCurrency Plus can produce conversion rates for more than 100 currencies of 150 countries. If you are involved in Forex, commodities and precious metals trade, you can certainly try this app, as it is inexpensive. It will be a handy tool for the PayPal users too.

This app would ask users to register to start using it. As you guess iCurrency Plus needs active Internet connection to work. However, it saves some data offline to present the last available updates to the users. This app is compatible with the iPhones and iPads running iOS 4.0 or later. The iPhone version of this app costs US $1.99, while the iPad version costs US $2.99. If you are busy in business, you can certainly give this app a try. This is one good app in its category.

Rating: 9/ 10

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