ChatterBlocker App Attracts, Yet Keeps You Focused!

Never get distracted!

ChatterBlocker helps you to concentrate on your work and not on chitchats and gossips going around. It makes a creative use of nature’s sounds and background discussions to take your mind off the disturbing conversations of your co-workers. This app reduces the intelligibility by making use of distant chatter in the most effective way and makes your working a more concentrated and less distracting experience.


It can be used by those people who work in open plan offices, in cubicles. It becomes really difficult to concentrate on ones work when everyone around is talking about one thing or the other, or is simply discussing other parts of the work project. In this situation ChatterBlocker helps to block all the unwanted sounds and gossips and allows you to put your mind just to the work at hand. There is a wide range of sounds to choose from and playing the soundtracks is convenient and easy. The app is equipped with certain tracks that increase your concentration power and reduce your response to distraction. One can just tap on the app and select whichever sound they like. The tracks thereafter will continue playing one after another.

The soft natural sounds are soothing to the mind and for sometime it helps you to get your mind off everything else that’s going on around you. This in turn, helps you to get started with your office work and make you more efficient in whatever you have taken up. On the other hand, it also helps you to block the voices of everyone around you, yet does not distract you from your work. You can select from the “nature voices” or “male or female chatters”. This is one of the modernized and effective ways of concentrating yourself and putting your mind at one particular task. It blurs away all the background sounds and benefits you.

So if you are at a very busy place and do not have the right atmosphere to work, then ChatterBlocker is an effective tool to set the mood and get yourself started. Within minutes you will be able to put your entire mind to the work. So protect yourself from the unwanted environmental sounds and be relieved, whether you are at a coffee shop, or at a mall, or in busy roads striving through the traffic.

ChatterBlocker takes a memory of 38.5 MB. Chatter Blocker is available only in English. This app is compatible with iPhone, iPad touch and iPods. It is developed by Sound Guy, Inc.

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