Ever been in a great city and wondered what there is to do nearby. If you live in that city, chances are you already know about the better places to go to get in on a great party, or have a great dinner; but, if you are a stranger to a place, that is no easy feat. Thats where NiLi comes to the rescue. NiLi is NightLife made easy. Its an app that rockin and roarin in cities like Los …
Category: Android
Android Apps
Security is one of the major issues when you are using the internet. The fact that information can be leaked or copied is a major concern to mot business owners or individuals that are on a look out for ways that can make their information safe and secure. Fortunately, there are several apps out there that can do it for you and one such app is PGPTools. It is an application for Android by SJ software and is introduced to …
Launch yourself into loads of fun with a new game that rivals Angry Birds any day. Sage’s Sky not only gives you the thrill of catapulting your bird, otherwise known as Sage, into the wild blue yonder on an adventure that takes him miles away. The bigger and stronger he grows, the farther he flies. So, how do you get Sage to his greatest potential? Download Sage’s Sky and find out. The download is quick and easy. Once you open …
With the improvement of technology, many of us now use our smartphones for a wide variety of reasons. Browsing the internet is one of the main reasons that people use smartphones. Whether it be research for a student’s next assignment or even just surfing for fun facts, an internet browser is a must have app on anyone’s smartphone. Tangram is a mobile browser that is targeting professionals, power users, knowledge workers, and the mobile enterprise. Comparing all the mobile browsers …
Travelling abroad is a fun thing to do, but many find that it is a little hard to do as well. Even though it is always fun to interact with new people, and get new experiences at new places, having to call your loved ones can be a very difficult thing to do as different countries have different roaming rates. Using roaming while abroad is an expensive thing to do, and the way to avoid that is to get access …
Ask yourself this question, do you know who your teens talk to over the phone?. You might think you do, but rewind and count all the times your teen got up and went someplace else to receive/make a call. They dont talk to their friends in front of you, they might say its because they want some privacy. But it can be because they are hiding something from you! If your teen often leaves the room to attend a call …
Games come and go, and most seem to have the same old story and same old setting. Ive been on the search for something different and usually end up finding the same futuristic battle-based games, hunts for treasure in the Amazon, or math-based puzzles. One day, however, I did stumble across a game that caught my eye, simply for the fact that much of the description was written in Arabic this, I told myself, was something to look into. Arabian …
Like most others heavily hooked into social media, I like Facebook and posting updates, photos and videos to all of my friends, and their friends, and so on, and so on. You get the picture. Well, after a while, I was getting to the point that there were some clips that just werent meant for all of my Facebook family, if I could call it that. I needed a place where I could invite my small circle of friends and …