Want a Google + Invite

Get it From Us If you really need a Google Plus invite, tell us the reason and get one invite. Google’s new social media website, Google Plus has been already creating a huge buzz in the tech world. The Hangout feature and the all new black bar the top of Google Search are predicting some possible changes in the arena of social network. Web users have been clamoring to get into this exciting platform. However Google is still testing this

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Google Ruins Our Memory, Research Says

Brain has been adopting a new method to reorganize things A research conducted by Columbia University concludes that search engines like Google are affecting the way we remember things. Psychologists from Columbia University conducted a series of experiments to find the impact of search engines on our brain. This study was released yesterday. It says Google and internet in general have offloaded memory demands from our brain onto the machines. Human brain is adopting a new method to reorganize where

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