Image Southwest Parks – An Exciting Virtual Tour

Explore the scenic beauty! 

From desert parks of Arizona to the red rocks and canyons of Canyonlands, southwestern United States is home to 15 national parks and several other national monuments. A full tour of southwest parks would take at least a few weeks. If you are planning for it, then this review might help you out.

Image Southwest Parks, developed by Carlo Pinasco, has arrived at the App Store with a lot of high resolution images of Southwest parks. After launching this app, users could see a brief description about it in the main screen. It explains about the app and provides guidance on how to use it.

southwest parks

Map and Info are the two other sections of Image Southwest Parks and Map is the main area. By zooming in to American Southwest on the map, users could see all the parks and monuments pinned. They could enter into the image gallery just by tapping on the pin. These galleries show off some of the amazing dimensions of the Southwest. Excellent scenic landscape photography!

Tapping the images would get some more menus at the bottom. The web icon launches Wikipedia page of the particular park, while the map icon shows Suggested Routes to travel in the Maps. There are also forward and back arrows to facilitate easy navigation. The Information button displays the name of the particular park.

southwest parks

The developer has missed a trick in the Information part. It shows the name of the park in two lines, but hides 80 percent of the images with a layer. I think, they would remove that when they update the app. Apart from this small downside, Image Southwest Parks is really an impressive app.

It is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad and requires iOS 3.2 or later. This app was launched only a few weeks ago. We checked the first version and it works without hiccups. That is something amazing for an app that has a lot of images. Image Southwest Parks could definitely help users when they plan for a trip to American Southwest.

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