stellar patrol

Fight the Enemies of the Galaxy with Stellar Patrol

The game was easy to install. While the animated graphics and sounds are great, there is very minor detail on how to actually progress through the levels.

The developer has paid a lot of attention to the animations, sounds, and settings but the only instructions are a graphic which explains the controls. I would have enjoyed a go-to way to understand the objectives better. I figured out you have to take out the enemy ships and collect the contents of your cargo but was not too clear on the details.

The instructions at the start of the game are specific – destroy the enemies in the sector and conquer the planets and bases to unlock the next sector.

Stellar Patrol


I like that the game developer took into consideration that the game can at times be played in the silent mode, so the voice over warnings have been also been converted into a written message on the screen. That is an absolutely excellent addition.

Settings are easy to navigate. You can register which allows you to then rank on various levels in comparison to other players. From what I have been able to put together, you can then swop cargo with other players.

Cargo can be found, mined from asteroids, looted from wrecked ships, and bought and sold at different planets and bases as part of a galaxy wide trading system. Before you can buy/sell cargo, you need to liberate a sector by destroying all of the enemies.

While the control is easily accessible and you can personalize where this is located, I did not like the navigation button. It was not easy to use. It is very sensitive, and I found it hard at times to get my fighter ship to go in the direction I wanted. I will also add this got me turned into cosmic dust a few times.

The developer has mentioned that there might be a few bugs. However when I checked the latest Android version of the game, I didn’t find any.

This is a great game that has a lot of potentials. Stellar Patrol can impress players who are familiar with space sims.

get it on google playRating: 9 / 10

Price: Free

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