Word Beach app

Word Beach – New Word Game on the Beach

It won’t take you to the beach in body, but it may do so in mind. Word Beach Fun takes the basic premise of a word game and puts it into the context of a game, where the setting looks like you are on a tropical beach, surrounded by coconuts and island fruits. What is unique about this game is that it’s a combination word building game with crossword. You are given letters out of which you must create a word. The words will fit into a crossword puzzle space, so you will see how many letters you need to use up.

The letters will appear in a wooden bowl and the empty crossword puzzle will be above it. Swipe from one letter to the next to spell out a word with as many characters as you think will fill a spot in the puzzle. Keep swiping to fill up the space. The app will tell you when you’ve selected incorrectly. From time to time, there will be secret words that you will be instructed to swipe. They don’t go into the crossword puzzle but end up as a bonus of some sorts in a smoothie. As you fill up the smoothie ingredients, you will score extra points, which come in handy when you need hints.

As you complete puzzles, you will unlock the next level. There are three “islands” with three levels of games, with almost 1500 levels in total across over 15 islands. Every so often you’ll be asked if you want to voluntarily watch an ad for some points. I always say yes, because I always take a freebie when I can get it!

The words are super easy to guess at first but can get a bit tricky as you move your way up in levels. I’m not sure if timing is a factor or not, because I did not see a clock on the screen. You can also buy coins when the app offers you deals, like on holidays.

What I found annoying is that in one instance, after completing a puzzle, I was asked if I wanted to continue or watch an ad. I chose to continue, but it showed me an ad, regardless. Sounds like a software glitch.

Word Beach Fun is a word game that players of all ages can get into. It’s easy at first and it teaches some basic spelling. It’s fun to see how to score extra points so you can build a buffer for use later, which I suspect I will need once I make it to Seychelles!


Rating: 8/ 10
Price: Free

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