The Human Resource Departments of companies are the custodians of employee data. Research suggests that organizations that effectively employ technology to manage their human resources have a significant advantage over those that are unable to do so. iFlow app has been designed to help the enterprises leverage technology to fulfill their human resource management goals. Starting at just 5 Euros per month, iFlow is an affordable and accessible solution for even small businesses. What’s more, you can try it free for a month to see if it suits your needs.
We have come a long way since the days of paper-based and LAN-based HR systems that only listed “tombstone” data of employees. iFlow, with its multitude of features, versatility, and flexibility, is a testament to the fact that web-based technology offers greater incentives at lesser opportunity costs.

From automatically updating your employees’ attendance with its remote check-in/check-out function, to creating events and modifying them with a simple click, iFlow can help you manage the human capital of your organization more efficiently. Being compatible with almost all the platforms, you can integrate the app with various systems by generating API tokens. It can also be linked with RFID devices. This makes tracking employee attendance an easy and transparent task and can lead to a reduction in undue friction between the management and the workers.
iFlow’s easy to adapt interface provides it a high degree of usability. Various functional panels such as Activity, Work Schedule, Employees, Reports, and so on are neatly arranged on the top bar at the home screen. Even without a background in technology, the app is fairly easy to operate. Each of these panels allows you to perform a number of actions related to your organization’s activities. For example, in the Settings panel, your company’s basic information can be entered. It is here that you can add RFID devices, enter check-in time and maximum work hours for the employees, customize paid leaves and public holidays, etcetera.
The dashboard features a calendar, where you can see all of your employees’ data and their events such as paid leaves, overtime hours, and so on. It allows you to always keep in your sight the latest happenings in your organization. Additionally, if you plan to increase the productivity further, you can grant permissions to your employees to see each other’s work schedules so that they know who is at work and can also assist them. Even if you have a thousand employees on your iFlow account, the app doesn’t lag and works smoothly with lightning speed.
A lot of businesses still use Excel spreadsheets for their human resource needs. While Excel’s utility cannot be denied, it suffers from several limitations when compared to a full-fledged HR software such as iFlow. Usage limit, inability to automate and human error are among the many downsides of using Excel that can be overcome by using the iFlow app.
By streamlining and simplifying the approval process with its centralized database where employees can directly upload documents, it gives ample space to the HR manager to work on more regular training and development policies. Another good aspect is that the company keeps updating the app to address queries and fix bugs notified by the users. Such self-appraisal and support by the service provider make it a reliable solution for your business.
Today, as the benefits of automation have become widely known, the focus is on automating as many transactions and processes as possible to boost the effectiveness and efficiency of the business. With better transparency, worker satisfaction also improves that is highly beneficial for any organization that wants to perform well. A number of leading businesses are increasingly moving towards web-based HR systems such as iFlow.
If you want to take advantage of a sophisticated web-based human resource information system then iFlow definitely is an affordable pick.