Most people I know stream their entertainment content. Gone are the days of paying exorbitant monthly bills to get a fixed set of content that typically always seems to miss what you need, even when you’ve subscribed to the 100+ channel package. Cable and satellite are now making way to digital streaming, and it’s clearly apparent everywhere you look.
The key to maximizing the streaming experience is to have the right player. There are lots of players out there, but in this review, we are focusing on one called Elmedia. It’s an easy to use application for the Mac that allows users to find and stream videos and music, plus more.
First off, Elmedia supports several file formats such as MP4, MP3, AVI, MOV, DAT, FLV, FLAC, M4V, Blu-ray and more. Another big plus with Elmedia is that is has the smarts to stream HD video without issue, and it even detects issues with the source file and will correct them, in real time, to ensure a clean streaming experience. These smarts also allow Elmedia to find those nasty ads that most people can do without and will play your video without them. Speaking of 4K video, this application will take 4K format that runs on Macs and will easily stream them on Chromecast Ultra, Apple TV 4K and on smart TVs like LG, Panasonic and LG.

Let’s talk a little about all the sources of videos that Elmedia supports. Most folks find their videos and sometimes audio on YouTube. This is probably one of the more popular sources. Elmedia supports these videos and audio files. It is also compatible with Airplay, supporting the ability to find and stream from one iOS device to another.
Searching for and finding content is built into the application courtesy of the built-in browser. Search for, download and view content all from within the application. You can also find audio files, too. Another great feature with Elmedia is that you can extract the audio from video files that have sound. You can also stream and listen to these audio files. Supported audio file formats include MP3, M4A and many others that are well-known.
If you have taken video and you see some shots that you want to capture, Elmedia Player lets you extract clips of shots. You can even convert an entire video clip into screenshots so you can easily pick and save your favorites.
Nothing is ever perfect and if there were anything, I would say could be improved with Elmedia, it would be to improve the bookmarking function, so you can easily find a spot in the video where you left off playback.
Elmedia brings a quality application to Mac users, enabling smooth and easy searching and streaming on Macs and onto other compatible devices.