iFlow App Automates and Streamlines the HR System

iFlow app

The Human Resource Departments of companies are the custodians of employee data. Research suggests that organizations that effectively employ technology to manage their human resources have a significant advantage over those that are unable to do so. iFlow app has been designed to help the enterprises leverage technology to fulfill their human resource management goals. Starting at just 5 Euros per month, iFlow is an affordable and accessible solution for even small businesses. What’s more, you can try it free

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Hospital Services 2020 – A Doctor Patient Role-Playing Game

Hospital Services game

Remember those childhood role-play games where you played a doctor treating patients, sometimes wrapping bandages around the imaginary wounds, and checking the heartbeat with your plastic stethoscope? Today’s technology augments that same child’s play by offering a virtual hospital where you can put the scrubs on. Sounds unreal? Try Hospital Services 2020. Packed with realistic graphics it will get you on in the role of the doctor you always wanted to be. And it won’t cost you a dime for

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Pop Queue – Find the Right Kind of Hangout at the Right Time

Pop Queue

Sometimes you are in the mood to find some lively action and good company and at other times you just need a place to slip into and hideaway. If you are looking for an app that works based on your current location, to pinpoint destinations and let you know how busy they are, download Pop Queue. Pop Queue uses your location to map out eateries, shopping, libraries and other such hangout places where you can go and spend some time.

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Osiris – Browse the Internet Without Being Tracked

Osiris app

Most web browsers you see these days have a very annoying habit of tracking your data. Of course, they claim to do it to make your search results more relevant to what you want, but you cannot help wondering what else it might be used for? Did you register yourself in some random website using your emails or mobile number, only to find you are now being spammed by random SMS advertisements and emails? Now, there is a way to

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Bleeker St – Live Demos Make Shopping More Fun

Bleeker St app

There’s nothing worse than buying something you’ve dreamt about for years, only to find that it was not quite what you expected it to be. When you can’t try something out, you are left to making an evaluation and a decision based on what you read and what people tell you. That’s all you’ve got. With some things, like stereo systems and electronics, there may be a few places still left that have demo units to try out, but in

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ReceiptFriend – Save and Retrieve Receipts with Ease

ReceiptFriend app

Everything is going digital. While not all businesses give you the option to get a digital receipt, many are jumping on the bandwagon. It saves space in your pocket, and it saves the Earth. Plus, it makes a ton easier to find those receipts when they are sitting in your email somewhere, compared to if they are stuffed in your glove compartment or the inner recesses of your bag – or better yet, gets thrown out with the shopping bag.

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Identiti – A Fun Comparison App to Sharpen Math Skills

identiti screenshots

Not everyone is a superstar at math. Some are born with it, and the rest have to work hard at it. If you are one of the lucky members of the latter group, know that it doesn’t have to be difficult to get better. You can play your way to math success simply by downloading “Identiti”. Identiti has nothing to do with security or id theft, which is what I first thought it was before I found the app on

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Get Organized Now with ATracker


I am sure there are many out there who have their lives together, or a personal assistant to put it together for them. Most of us do not have that luxury, and need to stay on time by ourselves. This free app will now make your whole life easier. The ATracker is a daily time track and logging app that is here to make your life so much easier. It features a customizable complete timesheet and activity, personalized by you.

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