BoostHQ – Consolidated and Efficient Collaboration on the Go

Executing on projects is becoming more complex as the work environment we have traditionally been used to has now become more distributed locally and globally. Team members may be in your building, in another state, or in another country. This doesnt stop folks from creating, but it sure makes it a whole lot easier when you have the right set of tools. BoostHQ is that kind of tool. Created by SkyPrep Inc., BoostHQ consolidates distributed information, so the entire team

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Keep Your Mac Organized and Protected with Combo Cleaner

Most folks who own any type of Apple device know and will tell you wholeheartedly how secure and reliable those machines are. In most cases, there is no need to have any kind of anti-virus application on anything that runs iOS. However, if you are a Mac user and you find yourself frequently downloading masses amount of content, whether it be for work or play, you may start to feel wary of your vulnerability. That’s where Combo Cleaner comes to

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Schedule Uber Taxi with Kommen Android App

Kommen app

Are you a frequent traveler especially an Uber passenger who wishes to avoid last minute calls and bookings for an Uber? You can now relax and have your Uber bookings done well ahead of time that too as a round trip if that is required, yes you heard it right, a return booking as well! All you need to do is download the Schedule Uber Taxi with Kommen app to schedule your uber ahead of time and voila you’re good

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Exif Viewer by Fluntro- Professional Image Management on All Your Devices

Exif Viewer app

You’ve spent years taking pictures with your DSLR device. Now, you want to manage those pictures easily without being stuck in front of your computer finding all the information you need about that photo. So, how do you do that? You need an app that you run on all of your devices your iPhone, your iPad and your Mac. That way, you can get to your photo from wherever you are and you see the same data. That app is

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Spritzr – Matchmaking Revamped

spritzr app

In a world that is supposedly so connected, why do so many people have a hard time finding the “right” person? Back in the day, and I mean really way back, your mom or your aunt or someone else who claimed to have a vested interest in your happiness would have taken the charge to find the right partner, and you would have been set for life. That system doesn’t work anymore. Now, we rely on our own experiences, friends,

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Toolbox for Keynote Mac App with Tool Sets that Empower

toolbox for keynote app

Packing power to your presentation punch has just become easier! If you are an avid user of Keynote on the Mac, now you can enhance your experience by downloading and using Toolbox for Keynote. Keynote, as so many know, is an awesome tool overflowing with a well-designed interface and desktop that makes presentation creation easy and fun. It takes the headache out of finding and editing images and clip art to suit your specific needs and provides a myriad of

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Park Grand London Hotels App – A Handy Life Saver

Park Grand app

For those who wish to book their holidays or business trips from the comfort of their mobile without searching through numerous websites and going through the difficulty of making decisions between prices and hotels, the Park Grand London Hotels app is the handy life saver for you. Park Grand is a group of hotels in the main locations of London and their app brings together all information about these hotels to one place making life easier for their customers. The

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The Montcalm London Hotels – Your Best Companion for Luxurious Stay

The Montcalm Hotels

The Montcalm are a group of London Hotels that have high quality service and facilities that provide the height of luxury for their clients. The Montcalm London Hotels app makes it easier for users to browse through the different rooms and facilities available including any discounts or offers. If you are planning a holiday or a business trip to London and would like to benefit from a luxurious stay for a few days or a day, then the The Montcalm

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