Make Money on the Go with MetaTrader 4

A convenient way to deal with currencies!

metatrader-4 Forex trading has been in existence for a very long time, but it has managed to gain popularity only during the last decade. Now, Forex is considered a medium risk, high reward market where money could be easily made. If you are into Forex, this review might help you.

MetaTrader 4 is an iPhone app that lets users trade currency on the go. After launching this app, users could login with their account, or they can register a demo account and select a server to trade. Inside the app, they could find six areas – Quotes, Chart, Trade, History and Settings .


The Quotes area offers current exchange rate for all the popular currency combinations and there is an Advanced option to get the Low and the High rates. This default watch-list can be modified by adding or removing a currency combination. Users can trade straight from this window by tapping a symbol. This area also offers charts and other details about the symbol. [pullquote]All the sections of MetaTrader 4 look fine and have the professional touch. [/pullquote]

The chart and trading options are also present as two separate sections. Chart offers a detailed analysis as 7 timeframes – M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4 and D1 and there are 30 technical indicators available. The History area lets users verify their complete trading history. As MetaTrader 4 deals with an area that is a bit too technical, it needs a Help section I think. However, it won’t make the pros to struggle.

MetaTrader 4 is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad and it requires iOS 4.0 or later. As this app is available for free, Forex investors should try it. When there is an option to trade on the go, it would really help execute decisions at the right moment.

Rating: 8.5/ 10


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