Get Adventurous with Spy Fox in Dry Cereal

Spy hard to stop the destruction!

App Store has a lot of apps for kids. However, many developers underestimate them and load it with poorly designed apps. If you are looking for a good app for you kid, this review might help you.

Spy Fox in Dry Cereal is an action / adventure puzzle where the users need to guide a spy fox that has all the awesome spy gadgets. The objective of the game is to stop William the Kid – the CEO of the Nectar of the Goats Corporation – from eliminating cow’s milk from the Earth by kidnapping cows.


Spy Fox has a few friends such as Monkey Penny and Quack to help the secret agent by giving him clues from the Mobile Command Center all along the way. Therefore, players can contact them, when they need some guidance. There are gadgets like laser toothbrush and suction cuff links to help them advance through the game and to bring down William the Kid

Spy Fox in Dry Cereal is indeed a challenging game. The clues will change every time the users play it. That means there would be multiple paths to solve the mystery. However, they need to pay attention to the details to help the Spy Fox succeed in his endeavour.

This app can help kids improve their creativity and problem solving skills. I find the concept is well executed, so kids would love the fox for sure. It has fantastic animation, great design, exciting music and the game play is really addictive. If the developers are smart in pricing, they can help this fox reach heights I think.

Spy Fox in Dry Cereal is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, requires iOS 3.0 or later and has Game Center integration. This app is a great combination of thrill, mystery and fun.

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