Sleep by MotionX Helps You Have a Sound Sleep

Analyze your sleep cycle for better understanding!

Sleep by MotionX is a holiday special app that identifies the sleeping pattern and quality of its users. It has the ability to analyze your sleep, its quality, set up alarms such that you do not wake up in an agitated mood because of insufficient or not so sound sleep. It makes sure that you wake up refreshed and have completed your sleep.

Other special feature of Sleep includes auto timers for power naps. It makes sure you are woken only when your sleep is the lightest. Say for example you set up an alarm at 4 a.m. Sleep will analyze your sleep cycle and will ring the alarm around half an hour before or after the set time, that is between 3.30 a.m. and 4.30 a.m. when the sleep is the lightest. The alarm will be soft so that you don’t wake up shocked. Again, while going to bed, sleep time has automatic soft music that slowly fades away as you fall asleep.


Sleep is also calibrated to measure the heart rate; the camera can be used to measure the pulse rate at the touch of your finger tips, it accurately calculates the number of steps taken, the calories burned, it even has voice motivators to keep you moving and inspires you, also lets you know when you have been idle for quite a long time, records heart rate and relates it to the sleep cycle and pattern. You can also visualize the graph of your deep sleep, light sleep, total sleep, etc. It has large memory storage for storing your sleep cycle.


So, to get relief from obnoxious alarms and have good sleep and your benefit all you have to do is go to the app and switch it on. Then you have to keep your phone on a soft place say for example armband or bed for the optimum result from this app. If you place it in some hard ground say the floor or a table then this might not give you the desired results as it will pick up unnecessary noise from the surface giving the wrong information about your sleep cycle. So, its better you follow all the instructions given by MotionX, better still watch the quick start video.

The total size of this app is 30.4 MB falling under the medical category and is compatible with iPhones, iPod touch, and iPads, requiring iOS 4.3 or later. It is optimized for iPhone 5.

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