Right Time Xtreme Alarm Clock app

Avoid Over Sleeping with Right Time Xtreme Alarm

The Right Time Xtreme Alarm App is an alarm clock, timer, and weather viewer. Its features include:

    • A single alarm: You can set up a single use alarm to help you wake up and avoid over sleeping. It also contains a snooze button that can be turned off.
    • A Sunrise alarm: This alarm uses the GPS on your phone to set an alarm that will go off as the sun rises. This is great for people who want to wake up with the sun.
    • A Weekly alarm clock: This alarm setting can be used to set an alarm clock that will go off weekly with no need to reset.
    • An alarm tone select feature: you can select a musical tone, your favorite song or any sound you want. This feature allows you to choose how you want to wake up.
    • A stopwatch timer: This feature allows you to time anything with this stopwatch and also includes the ability to record the lap times.
    • Weather conditions: You can view the current weather conditions of your location at any time.
    • Weather Forecast: You can view the expected weather for your entire week right in the app.
    • Satellite view weather: You can view the current weather conditions in satellite view in order to predict the future weather yourself.

  • Alarm settings: you can customize the alarm settings including snooze time, snooze type and even a vacation mode.
  • The alarm list: You will have the ability to view all of the alarms you have set in a single list. You can also edit, delete, and create alarms in the alarm list.
  • The flashlight: This app also features a flashlight with multiple settings. This will allow you to designate what kind of light will show and change the blinking rate of the light.

The app is laid out with an easy to use tab on the top of the screen that contains images for each setting. This tab allows you to switch between alarm, stopwatch and weather with a simple swipe or click on the icon. Each individual page then contains the features for that aspect of the app. For example, the alarm icon directs you to the alarm list and sunrise feature. The stopwatch takes you directly to the stopwatch feature and the lap time. The weather icon gives you the option to turn on your GPS location in order to utilize the weather feature. The flashlight feature remains at the bottom right hand corner of the screen no matter which setting you are on. You can also access other features by clicking the menu button on the top right hand corner. This also features settings, the alarm list, flashlight, upgrade option and the about section.

Overall, this app is useful and relatively easy to use. The major downside to this app is its similarity to many other alarm apps. However, its additional features help it stand out from other apps. It also contains ad banners on the bottom of the screen like most apps. However, it has the option to share the app on Facebook in order to eliminate ads for thirty uses. This helps set the app apart from other similar apps.

get it on google playRating: 8/10

Price: Free

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