432 Player – Play Music at the Rate that Resonates

Feel the music!  Music infuses our lives with sounds that stimulate imagination, calm nerves, excite a passion and just make you feel good. There is a wide assortment of players out there that allow you to collect and play at home, when you’re out and about or sitting in front of the computer. Most people have smartphones, which allow us to setup a playing venue, make easy purchases from within and share favorites. However, most of these apps, and music

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Files App – Access and Share Files from Various Sources

Share video and audio clips as well!  Being in the Cloud is the current craze. Most applications and functions we interact with are in the Cloud, whether we know it or not. It just makes more sense and facilitates easier sharing, collaboration and faster results when documents and work items are easily available from a single source. Now, add to this the fact that many people work off multiple devices and from transient locations. Wouldn’t it be nice to access

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Best Gin Rummy – A Classic Form of the Game

Best Gin Rummy

Easy to pick up and play! Best Gin Rummy is a free app that immediately immerses the user into the world of Gin Rummy.  The interface is clean and easy to use with large circular buttons for “Menu” and “Score” on the main gameplay page.  The action moves along at a nice pace and your cards are intuitively sorted in your hand by the app. This app is simply a classic form of the two-player game of gin rummy.  Each

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Enjoy Christmas with SantaDrop

Play over and over to beat yourself! SantaDrop is a fast, fun and addictive game that features the motion tilt sensor on your iPhone or iPad as you maneuver Santa down a chimney. This game is simple, yet compels you to play over and over as you attempt to beat your high scores. You can also compare your scores against your friends on the Facebook leaderboard. SantaDrop plays in a similar way to the classic wooden labyrinth game in which

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Speaktoit Assistant – Get a Free Helper

A better alternative for Siri!  Speaktoit Assistant is an iPhone app that is designed to be your personal assistant. It has an intuitive, easy to use interface that uses mostly voice commands. Speaktoit designs applications such as these, with talking interfaces. To use this app, you first need to create an account, or you can opt to use your Facebook account to log in. The basic services from the app are free, though there is a paid premium account option,

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Prehistoric Park Builder – Disney Meets Jurassic Park

Hangout, ride and have fun!  Like building and creating the world in which you play? Ever visited an amusement park and wish you could design one just to your liking, because you know just how one should be built and what it should have? Then download Prehistoric Park Builder and pretend like you are building a place where The Flintstones can hang out, ride and just have fun. So, it’s not as fierce a place as the island of Jurassic

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Tank Domination HD – A Warfare Game in a Different Setting

Tank battles to dominate the world!  Love playing games where there’s a crowd involved? Sometimes, it’s just more fun playing against actual players, rather than the computer. Tank Domination HD offers just that. You are in the year 2023, and greedy military superpower corporations have taken over to duel to the end for world domination. Each corporation has its fleet of tanks that roam the land, searching, destroying and capturing real estate to grow the corporation’s empire and to secure

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Hiired – Teaser Clips for Jobs and Candidates

Brings jobs and employment seekers together!  Most job-seekers know the various online social networking apps that connect people to employment opportunities. A majority of them are based on static data: a profile, some information about job preferences, a resume and a few other details. Imagine being able to give a 30-second preview of yourself as the best candidate for a position. Actions speak louder than words; and, sometimes just saying a few words in a quick video clip can mean

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