Research Finds Android Unsafe, While iOS the Safest

McAfee says it all  A recent study released by McAfee claims that Android is the most unsafe mobile platform. The popular anti-virus tool maker McAfee has released its study on mobile malware attacks in ‘Second Quarter 2011 Threats Report’. Android was the third most targeted platform last quarter and it has jumped to the first place with 44 cases of malware. The number of malware targeting Google’s mobile platform jumped 76% since last quarter.

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10 Super-Apps dominate Android Market

They leave small developers in pain More than half of the U.S. Android activity is dominated by 20 apps, says Nielson. A latest research of Nielson, a popular marketing research company, claims that top ten apps account for 43 percent of all activity in Android mobile and another 8 percent is grabbed by the next 10 apps. The top 50 apps cover an astonishing 61 percentage of Android usage. That makes other 250,000 Android apps to battle it out for the

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Startling Revelations About iPhone Apps Download and Usage

An average user downloads 88 apps A latest research found that an average iPhone user downloads 88 apps for his mobile. Appsfire is a popular iPhone app that gives users the ability to share their favorite apps with their friends. Based on the data aggregated from 1,000 iPhone users of Appsfire, it has released some startling facts about apps download.  According to it, an average user downloads 88 apps to his phone in addition to the 20 apps that come

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Guidelines for a Successful App Launch

Three important things you should never forget After sharing all those news about price drops, today let see me share something that could help developers. This is about marketing an app. There is no use of building a wonderful app, if you don’t know how to market it. If you are a developer looking to launch a new app, you should never miss these three things. Have an attractive website: Your website can speak a lot about your app. Before

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Three Great Apps On Sale

One iPad app and two universal apps We find three great apps on sale today and let us share them with you. If you rush, you could get them at a discounted price. So, hurry…… AmpliTube for iPad: AmpliTube can turn an iPad into an ultimate mobile guitar. Users can play along with songs by importing them directly from their iPod library in their device or from a computer. This app generally costs US $19.99, but it is available for

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