Tonido – Access Your Computer with Your Mobile

Synchronize your data on the go! Tonido is an app that aims at giving users flexibility when working with files across multiple platforms. Basically, it allows users to easily work with files of different formats between their phones, tablets and computers. In simple terms, this app provides a gateway for media streaming and file transfer between tablets, android phones and computers. When it comes to the functionality, Tonido works just like any other file transfer app. It gives you access

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Get New Themes and Effects with Free Mobile Desktop

Add simplicity and personalization to your Android! Free Mobile Desktop is an app that tries to add convenience, personalization and simplicity to android phones. Basically, this app is a launcher that gives you access to new themes, effects and widgets. It aims at giving users the exact phone appearance that they want by selecting a customized combination of themes, widgets and effects. In general, developers of this app did their homework well since it has been able to achieve all

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Handy Note Free for Taking Random Notes

Handy Notes

Customize your notes as per your wish! Most of us have the habit of writing diary regularly or making important notes. Here is an app which will possibly help you with it. Handy Note Free is a free version of Handy Note Pro developed for your galaxy note 2. College and business projects notes can be taken down efficiently with Handy Note Free. It not only organizes the notes, but also gives you the feeling of writing on a paper.

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Sync Your Android Devices with Dinamotxt

Read messages on your Android device! Openmind Network has developed the Dinamotxt messaging app to enable you to receive and send text messages on your Tablet just as you do on your Smartphone. Dinamotxt provides a seamless integration of your phone’s incoming and outgoing messages with your tablet. With Dinamotxt you do not need to walk around with both your Smartphone and Tablet. Because your contacts and messages are in both devices, you only need to have one of them

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Jump Out – Get a Comic Relief with Bugs

Jump Out

Jump, skid, roll over to find the exit point! Tap-Tap Boom Games brings you an easy eye-pleasing game app for your android device. Jump Out 1.03 is an interesting time-pass app which requires no special gaming skills. You may find it to be a pretty apt game if you are on a boring tour or in a public transport. You need to help your bug pals to find a way out of the four walls they are cunningly trapped in,

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Guitarcraft – Indulge in a Date with music

Experiment different rhythms on Android! Music is something which keeps the ball rolling. Are you looking for a musical app which can provide a brilliant audio latency? The Guitarcraft app for the android is an inherently stimulating musical app purposely designed for the music freaks. The app gives ample scope to the user to experiment with the inner urge to create solos and riffs. The other already launched apps in the genre of guitar music used to have a limitation

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SideBall – An Arcade Game with Flickers and Balls


Enjoy great graphics and lots of exciting gifts! Life is all about being happy and enjoying your success. However, most of the times we are always very busy working that we forget that some times we just need to be happy and forget about all the misgivings of life. It is true that life can never be fully satisfactory and the harder you try to reach your goals, the more challenges you encounter. However, in order to live life well

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Manage Your Calls and Text Messages with Call Manager

Categorize your contacts too! Your phone is supposed to help you run your daily errands in a more convenient and efficient way. However, if not managed well; the phone can be your greatest distractor. There are at times when some calls and texts are unnecessary and they can wait up to other times. Nonetheless, it is sometimes difficult to resist a call and you may find yourself being distracted a lot by phone calls and text messages to an extent

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