Find all the upcoming events in one place! Finding local events can be a great technique. You can start by asking your friends and acquaintances, while local newspapers can also help you. After the arrival of iPhones, it has become a bit easier. This review might help you, if you want to find events near you. eventsions, an iPhone app developed by JRS Inc., helps users find all the events that are hosted near them. When this app is launched …
Pick up your weapons and get into the action! Mobile games have become some of the most popular choices of gaming platform in the world today. They are quick to get into and are always entertaining. Moreover, some terrific games have been coming through the App Store lately. Let us examine the second version of an impressive action game. Frankie Pain, developed by Skillpod Media, is an iPhone game where the users need to encounter aliens to save the earth. After …
Estimate the market potential of your product! Marketing a product is perhaps one of the most puzzling things to do. If you are in the business of selling, you may be aware of it. Before hitting the market, it is important to check the potential of the product. For those who find it hard to evaluate strengths and weaknesses of their product, there are tools to help. My Brand Check App Pro, developed by Efraim Linial, helps users boost the sales …
An easy way to increase productivity! I always find my keys missing when I am late for work. I check all the obvious places and wonder if there is anything else I can do besides give up. It is a general problem as most of us lose things. Is there any easy way to locate misplaced items? Read more. storganeyes, developed by 5 Spot Inc., offers a convenient way to organize the storage spaces. The homescreen of the app has …
Shoot, edit and share on the go! The iPhone camera has been dramatically improved since it was first introduced. App developers use this as an opportunity and has been coming up with powerful photography apps. Therefore, the time has arrived to experiment the photographic skills on iPhones. Let us examine an iPhone camera app now. Starmatic, developed by Starmatic S.A., is an iPhone app modeled on the legendary Kodak Brownie Starmatic camera. Users can get into it with their Facebook or Twitter …
A handy printing solution for iOS! Printing documents from iPhones has always been a challenge. Many users prefer using desktop computers, as it is a convenient way to get better results. However, the situation is a lot better now, thanks to the apps. Let us examine the performance of one such wireless printing app. PrintJinni, developed by Thinxtream Technologies Pte. Ltd., lets users send documents to wireless printers straight from their iPhones or any other iOS devices. To use this …
Find people around you to befriend! During the last few years, social networks have evolved as the veritable agents of change by moving into mainstream. Once they were very small and intimate, but now they are the powerful and critically important platform to business. Social networking apps have made things even easier. Digsocial, developed by Digisocial Inc., is a new social networking platform that helps users find friends and groups near by. To enter into this app, users must have …
Know what the letters really mean! Abbreviations have become so commonplace and are more popular than their equivalents. As they make communication easier, understanding abbreviations is taken for granted. However, nobody can comprehend all of them. Let me explain how an app could help in this. Acro-Dict, developed by 25dev, is an iPhone app that features all the abbreviations and their expansions. After launching it, users could find a tutorial that explains how to use this app. It has five …