Start your day at the right hour! Guys like me really want to grab those extra five minutes in the morning after snoozing the alarm for a few times. Particularly those few moments are the hardest in the day for me. However, there is one smart solution for this ‘alarming’ issue – Smart Alarm Pro. …
Do your workouts and be in shape! Yesterday I got a chance to come across an interesting app, which I had been using a few months ago. It’s iCircuit Training. This app seems to be very popular in its category as one can find a lot of buzz out there about it. Let us see what it has to offer for the users. …
It is really a flashy app! It looks like developers are taking advantage of anything and everything that comes with those wonderful iOS devices. The list would go on like this – accelerometer, Retina Display, camera, multi-touch screen and now the time has come for the flash to coordinate with the apps. As the latest iOS devices have powerful LED flash, developers have come with some application to make the most of it. Let me review the top one in …
Try it, if you are a zombie lover I am not a big fan of zombie movies as the idea is bizarre and most of the times the execution would be irritating. In a few years’ time zombies have invaded everywhere and it looks like they have got into our mobile devices as well. Today I tried a game that comes under this the zombie genre. Ghost Ninja: Zombie Beatdown comes with a prelude where an innocent girl needs the …
Experience the full impact of social media! The combination of smartphones and apps makes everything possible these days. Few of my friends are masters in the art of staying connected, no matter where they are – thanks to Facebook, Twitter and other such social networking apps. Today I have got the chance to check one latest arrival in this area – FriendsWire. Let us see how it works. FriendsWire asks users to login with their Facebook account, once they have …
Have you submitted your app for review? As there are more than a million mobile apps out there, app marketing has been emerging as an independent area of Internet marketing. While Internet marketing focuses on link building, the app marketers do one thing repeated – getting their apps reviewed by websites. They consider it an important thing when it comes to promoting an app. Let me explain why. Genuine feedback: Generally a good app reviewer would approach an app as …
Encode you world with it! Matrix is one of my all time favorite movies. With some amazing CG works, this trilogy has been pretty famous for codes flowing down the screen. That was really one cool effect that has become significantly popular after that. There are some smartphone apps out there to generate the same kind of effects for the images. Today I checked out one among them. Let me review it. …
Try your hand in kitchen with Jamie Oliver Cooking hasn’t ever been my cup of tea and I really hated it. I hated because of the end result and not for the process. I think you could understand the situation a bit. The real issue is I am very bad at cooking. I think this review would help guys like me. Jamie’s Recipes is an app that could guide users to some of the best cooking they have ever done. …