Covert Alert – Hands Free Alert System Everyone Should Have

cover alert app

Mace, pepper spray, and small alarm gadgets all provide great ways to possible stop an attack when it’s actually happening. What is better is being able to do something a bit more preventive before it gets to the point of having to fend off an attack. Covert Alert is just such an app. It allows the user to send out a covert alert message to designated contacts so they know you may be in a potentially dangerous situation. The key

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UberGif – Send a Moment in Time as a GIF

Ever wish when you see a post of a picture on Snapchat or Instagram that you knew what actually happened? Photos tell a story, there’s no doubt, but when you see small clips of video, the content shared is a moment that helps viewers almost be a part of it, without actually being there. While shooting and sharing video clips is not as easy as just taking a quick pic and posting it, most people would agree that sharing GIFs

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SniperSight – Strengthen Your Eyesight through Simple Exercises

SniperSight app

At some point in time in our lives, our eyesight starts to falter and prevent us from seeing the world as we always did. Some deterioration is inevitable, such as that caused by age. But, barring that factor, there are several things we can do to prolong and strengthen our eyesight that does not require glasses, contacts or any other type of device, except for your mobile device. Created to capture the eyesight correction system designed by Dr. Horatio Bates,

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Make the Most of Every Sales Meeting with 6QS

6QS screenshot

Making a sale is not easy. Converting possible leads to solid sales is the first step. This involves conversations with potential clients in which you convince them that you have a product or solution that will meet their current needs and will help them well into the future. Clear communication is key. While many conversations take place face to face, some do not. In those cases, you can use an app called 6QS to help facilitate a quality conversation and

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Esquared – Work Out Without Contracts

esquared app

If there’s one thing that scares people from using a gym, it’s contracts. Most people don’t want to feel bound by an agreement written up by the very institution that’s charging them to exercise; and you shouldn’t be. You should be able to exercise when you want, where you want. Each gym has its pluses and minuses, and clients should have the ability to choose to do a yoga class at one gym and strength training at another, if that’s

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Hidden Wordz – Game with a Twist on Word Creation Fun

Hidden Wordz

Word games are the craze if you’re looking for entertainment that’s not just about defense and destruction, Hidden Wordz is one to download. It takes the word creation game to a new level by introducing different topics with sets of words that revolve around those topics, and with in game sounds and graphics that make this game stand out from the others. Every game you win earns you points that you can collect and use in the store. This can

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Shiba’s Adventure – A Turn Based Game for Dog Lovers

Shibas Adventure game

If you love cute little dogs, you have to try out Shiba’s Adventure. I know it sounds weird, dogs and a game? Well, kids and adults alike will get a kick out of this game because it’s retro RPG with a Minecraft look and feel. The gist of the game is you are a dog, and a cute one at that, so that in and of itself makes you a target. As this dog, you must drop into a dungeon

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Scandy Pro – 3D Scanning Goes Mobile

If you are an artist or work on a production floor, you know all too well the value in being able to capture, edit and save 3D scans. They are used in a ton of applications. On a more personal note, folks are really getting into what you they do to outdo friends and family with images they post and share through social media. No matter what your mode of operation is, Scandy Pro can provide 3D scanning capabilities for

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