What is a Good App Description?

Prepare it before reaching the store 

App description plays a handy role in generating downloads for an app. Remember, you app is not Facebook or YouTube as users can readily understand it without any detailed elaboration. Let us see what a good description is.


The app description is the one what a user finds in the download page of the App Store or Android Market. An app marketer can drive traffic to the app download page; the description should not distract them from downloading, if it can’t attract them.

If you have a race game, use phrases like ‘hold your breath’ or ‘accelerate your way to success’ to tease the users and make them to download. For utility apps reach to the users by explaining things like how your app is different from other apps in its categories or why the users need it. It is better chart out points in bullets, rather than ramble away uninterestingly. Avoid typos at all costs. They won’t help you branding.

Many apps, especially the Android ones use instructions for app descriptions – that means the one which should be given at the “Help” or “Instruction” area of the app is used for the description page. This is really a bad idea. The user needs to download the app to bother about how to use it. After he downloads, he can find instructions in the relevant sections. I can’t understand the need of giving it in the app description page.

Well, if you need a good app description page, please contact us.

Alpha Digits helps developers to promote their iPhone apps, iPad apps and Android apps through press releases, app directory submission and other effective app marketing techniques. Contact us before the launching or updating your app.

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