Photo Collada app

Photo Collada with Amazing Photo-Editing Features

Photo Collada is an application for those who have Android smartphones through which it is possible to produce photo collages. The application features photogrids, layouts, stickers, frames and rich text options, all concentrated together in a very solid piece of software that allows for unique decorations, customization at will and sharing with the entire world.


  1. The layouts and photogrids included allow for collaging any number of images from a single one to as many as the gallery can hold. The selection ranges from the most basic to the most unusual ones and there are more options than any other similar application available.
  2. Every frame is customizable as per your will and imagination. There are solid colors, unique backgrounds, ways to shape each picture that exceed everything that you may have seen before, including 3D rendering and one-of-a-kind stickers all of which can be added one be one or in batches.
  3. It would be useless to be able to put photographs together in a collage without the ability to add some text along. The relevant routine includes a variety of fonts and styles that make it easy to write the accompanying slogans you want.
  4. Under the premise that all the effort of creating a collage is intended to be shared Photo Collada makes it exceptionally easy to upload your creations into all available social media platforms.

Photo Collada

In comparison to other similar applications, Photo Collada is the most complete and easy to use. All the features people are looking for are included and then some. The average gives a rating of 4.2 out of five with the greatest advantage being the ability to shape things according to your own wishes and styles.

However the disadvantage that people talk about most of all, is that the app is only available for smartphones that run on android and not even all of them at that. Phones running in older versions may need an operating system upgrade or may not even be able to run the application at all. This is a serious draw back and VicMan Software should look into it the soonest possible.

It could be argued that Photo Collada offers an even more complete package than similar software for pcs. Dedicated software may offer better options on one issue or another, but there is no software available that offers the collective bundle of capabilities as the ones that Photo Collada does. It definitely is the best one yet for smartphones and tablets. In all likelihood the next versions will be released to cover more operating systems than just Android so that more people may be able to appreciate the options that it offers.

get it on google playRating: 10/10

Price: Free

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