Offline Puzzle Viking Lumberjack Challenges Your Wit

Do you know what happens when a storyline inspired by Viking folklore meets a puzzle interface akin to the classic Pac-Man? It creates one of the most addictive and engaging gameplays out there in the puzzle genre. I am talking about Viking Lumberjack: a fun and challenging puzzle game that will keep you entertained for weeks on end. The developers have combined the aspects of a maze game with an interesting pre-historic Viking theme to offer a brain teaser loaded

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How to Copy Android Phone Data to PC – Droid Transfer

Droid Transfer app

Has it bothered you how transferring data from an Android device to a PC is an annoyingly slow and complex process?  Are you tired of using those free Apps that bombard you with ads whenever you try to transfer your favorite music or those vacation pictures on your phone to your computer? Droid Transfer may come to your rescue in this case. Developed by the well-known Wide Angle Software, it allows a fast and seamless transfer of data between your

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Contact – A Tiny Secure App to Save and Share Your Contacts

Contact app

Keeping safe the contact information of your friends or business partners is of utmost importance. This is especially true in the context of a world growing ever digital, driven by the fourth industrial revolution. Contact is an app that allows you immense productivity in handling your contact information which you save on your phones. You can download this app for free from the Play Store. And it does not require an internet connection to function. Contacts is a very low

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ERH Residents Makes Recovery from Addiction Seamless and Easy

Substance dependence and addiction is a serious problem that our society faces today. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 1 out of 8 American adults battled with alcohol and substance use disorder in 2017. Recovery and sober living services such as those provided by Eudaimonia is a boon to many such people who are aiming to improve their lives. With the launch of an app called ERH Residents, Eudaimonia’s program of providing sober living homes to

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JustStream Mirrors Your Mac to TV Wirelessly

JustStream app

Streaming is the hot thing now. Most people have cut ties with cable and have moved on to options that are more flexible and affordable. Streaming is offered from a variety of sources that consumers now don’t need to worry about getting stuck with cable accounts or satellite connections, which both require additional costs when things don’t work. Issues with streaming arise when you don’t have easy connectivity in place. With this I mean not having to connect your device

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Comic Draw App Helps Comic Creation on iPads

Comic Draw.

If you are fan of comics and love creating them even more, then you might get a kick out of Comic Draw. Even if you are not into writing comics and are more a fan of the graphics, this app turns your iPad into an art studio packed with all the tools and accessories you need to make magic. A graphics pen is a must-have, otherwise taking advantage of all the great tools will go to waste. You can use

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Easily Share Quality 4K Videos to YouTube and Instagram

Video resolutions

In today’s world, we have the luxury of being able to take videos, long or short, on a variety of devices. For those of us who are more adventurous, we may choose to shoot those videos using a GoPro, or something similar to that. Whether you want to post that beautiful sunset you saw while on vacation or the thrilling last-minute touchdown at a game, you know that there can be challenges to making sure the video you post is

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Keep Unwanted Calls at Bay with tellows

tellows app

As high tech has paved the way to various forms of communication that we can take with us wherever we go, we are also blessed with the onslaught of spammers. While we never mean to share out cell phone number with unintended recipients, it gets out there. There a lots of ways you can keep unnecessary interruptions from diverting your time. You can turn off your device, you can mute it or you can put it away. None of those

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