Dreamstime – Find Stock Images Easily from a Mobile App

Dreamstime app

If you are in the business of using images and graphics that are already made and are ready to go, you know all too well the value of a superb stock image repository. These repositories most often exist online, and I am sure there are several mobile apps that offer the same, but another one to consider is Dreamstime. It’s a free download, and all you pay for is the image you wish to purchase. There are no subscription fees,

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Catch the Right Ball to Score Big in Bing Bong

Bing Bong

Nope, it’s not a baseball game, but rather, a simple arcade game that mimics a ball bouncing it’s way through a pinball machine. In Bing Bong, your aim is to catch the ball as it makes it way from the top of the screen to the bottom, before it reaches the floor. At first, the ball will fall in a somewhat straight path, with nothing in its way to divert it. As you complete each catch successfully, subsequent balls will

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Get Total Control Over Your Phone with Filez App

Filez app

Our Android smartphone has surely become a pocket computer full of different types of files, just like our pc or laptop. It is the central repository for most of our documents, photos, music, and other data. Being able to access these files easily is no small matter. So file manager is one among the most important apps on our Android smartphone. With them, we can browse our files, find downloads, manage our storage space, move things around, and a lot

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KeepSolid Business VPN Provides Safe and Secure Connectivity to Keep Employees Productive

KeepSolid Business VPN

Most people I know these days spend many hours a week working from home. A few actually work from home for a company that is located in another state. Some even work for a company that is overseas – lucky for them because they get some cool business travel to boot. The point is that the landscape and makeup of business has evolved to include locations and employees from all over. No more do we see all employees sitting in

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Passwords Keeper – Let Technology Keep Your Passwords So You Can Get Down to Business

Password Keeper screenshot

There’s nothing worse than trying to log into an app that you haven’t been in for a while, or when you have to login to an app after you’ve updated it. You’ve been using it for months, and suddenly you are expected to remember the password. If you are a good password generator, then you are not reusing passwords across different accounts. If you are looking for a password storage app that takes away the pain and hassle of remembering

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SimDif – Website Builder App For Android

SimDif screenshot

So you’ve been trying to design your website with your Android phone. But if you’re like a lot of people, then you often end up with a poor design or a website full of bugs. That used to happen to me too. But then I discovered SimDif and it changed everything… Good news – now you CAN! That’s because Simple Different Co Ltd have created an app called SimDif. When you download this app, you will discover that the app

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Journey of Water – Informative App Teaches About Water Lifecycle

Journey of Water app

In a very serene and simple layout, Journey of Water takes its user from island to island of various ecological settings to narrate about where water is used in said environments, where it goes once it’s used and how it circles back for use once again. The app is not a game, but rather, a cartoon-like tutorial that users can listen to and watch. There is a small amount of animation to give the images some life and to help

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Pocket Family – Design and Enjoy Your Very Own Dreamhouse

Pocket Family screenshot

Many children grew up with doll houses, or some form of miniature house that mimicked real life. It had all the rooms, the furniture, the small details that you would find in an everyday household. I think what fascinated people so much about having a miniature version of a house was just how small you could make things, and that you could also pretend to have a household buzzing in just the way you wanted. With technology, you can now

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