Esploder – A Puzzle Game Where Stars Explode!

Esploder image

Nothing is as calming as the feeling of looking up in the sky at night and staring at those twinkling stars. The mystery of the universe with so many stars, planets, black holes, and all sorts of celestial phenomena has evoked our imagination since forever. Many video games have been inspired by this too. And so is the Esploder puzzle game! A unique fusion of the space genre with puzzle-solving, Esploder offers a great way of having fun. And you

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crazyDrivers – A Racing Game with a Vintage Feel

crazyDrivers game

The racing game genre is so expansive that it becomes extremely difficult to choose the best game from so many titles out there. The latest addition to this list is the crazyDrivers game which is available for free on Google Play Store. The game surely strives to give a tough competition to other games in the genre of racing with its focus on thrill and surreal action. So, if you are looking for a new virtual adventurous experience then crazyDrivers

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ERH Residents Makes Recovery from Addiction Seamless and Easy

Substance dependence and addiction is a serious problem that our society faces today. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 1 out of 8 American adults battled with alcohol and substance use disorder in 2017. Recovery and sober living services such as those provided by Eudaimonia is a boon to many such people who are aiming to improve their lives. With the launch of an app called ERH Residents, Eudaimonia’s program of providing sober living homes to

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Show My Colors – A Convenient App for Seasonal Color Analysis

Show My Colors app

In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different, said Coco Chanel while bringing out the significance of one’s appearance in today’s world. In the fashion industry, seasonal color analysis as a tool to identify the colors that will be in harmony with other physical attributes of a person such as eye color, hair color, and skin color, has been used for decades now. Show My Colors app gives you a quick opportunity to know your color type without

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Terapet Wars Kills Your Time During Lockdown

Terapets Wars game

Nothing kills boredom like an adventure card game. Terapet Wars is the latest addition in the genre of strategy and role-play trading card games available on the Google Play Store. With its exciting gameplay experience, Terapet Wars offer a free of cost fun and entertainment to the users at their fingertips. Terapet Wars lives up to its name with its Viking-themed interface and adrenaline pumping music reminiscent of medieval war anthems. The user plays the role of what is called

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Freezebeer Helps Chill Beer to Optimum Temperature


When Kris Kristofferson says in his song, “and the beer I had for breakfast wasn’t bad so I had one more for dessert”, he romanticizes the beverage that has been a part of several folklores and is still very close to our hearts. No other drink can ever replace a pint of frigid ale on a warm summer evening. With the help of the FreezeBeer app, you can control the temperature of your beer and savor it the way it

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iFlow App Automates and Streamlines the HR System

iFlow app

The Human Resource Departments of companies are the custodians of employee data. Research suggests that organizations that effectively employ technology to manage their human resources have a significant advantage over those that are unable to do so. iFlow app has been designed to help the enterprises leverage technology to fulfill their human resource management goals. Starting at just 5 Euros per month, iFlow is an affordable and accessible solution for even small businesses. What’s more, you can try it free

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Hospital Services 2020 – A Doctor Patient Role-Playing Game

Hospital Services game

Remember those childhood role-play games where you played a doctor treating patients, sometimes wrapping bandages around the imaginary wounds, and checking the heartbeat with your plastic stethoscope? Today’s technology augments that same child’s play by offering a virtual hospital where you can put the scrubs on. Sounds unreal? Try Hospital Services 2020. Packed with realistic graphics it will get you on in the role of the doctor you always wanted to be. And it won’t cost you a dime for

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