Chaikin Power Tools – A Handy Advisor for Investors

Check the health of your stocks on the go!  When compared to the App Store, it is hard to find well-designed apps in the Android Market. There is a variety of reasons for this, such as the freedom of open market and the compatibility issues (as there are a wide range of devices). Let me introduce a well-designed Android app now. Chaikin Power Tools provides all the needed details about the stocks for the professionals and investors. Users can enter stocks

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Check Your Luck in Winner Poker

It’s harmless gambling! Poker is extremely popular in the U.S. and it is a favorite pastime. It is considered an occasion for recreation and social interaction. However, if you want to play it, you should risk some bugs on it. That won’t be a good idea, if you are a newbie. Winner Poker, an Android app, offers a great chance for people who want to try their chance at free of cost. This app has come packed with two of

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Fruits&Fun – Match the Fruits and Earn Points

Add fun to your holidays! Android Market has started giving a tough time to the App Store. It has a huge number of high quality apps now. I find the games more impressive than the others. Let me introduce an interesting game for this holiday. Fruits&Fun is a simple fruit-matching game and of course simple games are more addictive. After launching the app, Fruits&Fun loads the screen with small, cute fruits and players need to match them up in groups

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Stay Away from Viruses and Malware with NetQin Security and Anti-virus

Get it and play safe!  Android is the most vulnerable platform for the viruses and malware, thanks to the popularity and the to the open market. If you have an Android device, it is very important to have an antivirus app. This review would help you find one. NetQin Security and Anti-virus is a well-designed antivirus software for Android devices. After installing NetQin, it asks users to update the database and scan the device. As there is a ‘Quick Scan’

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Build Your Word Power with Word Search Free

And of course kill time when you can afford to do! English is really a vast language with hundreds of words adding to its vocabulary daily. Many among them manage to get into the language and some of them get modified while some other words fail to get wide acceptance. There are also some words which were once spoken has now become obsolete. Therefore, it needs regular updating if you want to be a writer, no matter whether you are

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Matrix Code Camera App Review

Encode you world with it!  Matrix is one of my all time favorite movies. With some amazing CG works, this trilogy has been pretty famous for codes flowing down the screen. That was really one cool effect that has become significantly popular after that. There are some smartphone apps out there to generate the same kind of effects for the images. Today I checked out one among them. Let me review it.

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Hollywood Architecture Spinner App Review

Know the architectural taste of Hollywood  I always have this inclination towards downloading and using new apps. When you know nothing about the app, there would be always some thrill in using it and if it ends up as a good one that would really encourage your efforts. Today I found one interesting app in the Android Market – Hollywood Architecture Spinner.  This app is all about exploring the architectural beauties of the Hollywood district of Los Angeles. Hollywood Architecture

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Branding For a Smartphone App

Have you done it for your app?  Branding is important for any business. It shows your customers that you are serious about it. I have listed a few things that could help developers in branding their app. Please make it sure you have them if you have an app. Website: You app really needs a site –  not a blog or a web page. This site should include all the essential details such as How to use, FAQ, app screenshots,

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