Help the Ants Stay Safe! Kids love puzzles, while teens go for racing games. I think people love strategy games irrespective of their age. It is not all about checking reflexes, but the players need to user their brains a lot to gain points and win. Let me introduce a new strategy game today. Ant Turns Zombie is an iPhone game, where the objective is guiding the straying ants to the hole. The ants that went into the holes are …
Category: iPad
iPad Apps
Let them paint without any stain! It is normal for children to seek attention and approval from adults. If the parents are smart to handle this in a right way, it can be a helpful tool for improving the behavior. They need to be patient with kids and keep them engaged in a way they like. And of course, iPad apps are great in this area. TJs Art Studio, an iPad app, helps kids draw and color simple shapes on their …
A Convenient Way to Connect To Your Customer! Plastic money has certainly made shopping a lot more easy for the shoppers, but certainly not for the sellers. The credit card/debit card processing has a few headaches associated with it. If there is an issue with something, you need to find a solution within it. Therefore, if technology troubles you, try to get a solution from the same. SalesVu, an iPad app, helps store owners accept and process credit cards through …
And show your brain power! There is a general accusation that technology puts unforeseen barriers between people. It is true to a certain extend. Now a days people use smartphones and mobile devices to play games and kill time. The problem is they play with themselves. However, there are certain games available in the App Store to encourage interaction. Charades! is an iPhone app that lets players connect with their friends for an interesting game. This game needs two to …
A great companion for meditation! Modern life demands a lot of energy to cope up with the quick transformation we are facing. Therefore, all individuals should stay fit in order to keep up with this wild pace. Here, fitness refers to the mental stability as well. If you find it hard to meet these demands efficiently and fairly, here is an app to help you. Astral Traveler, an iPhone app, helps users relax their mind on the go. After launching …
Get the charm of forest to your hand! Do your kids ask a lot of questions? That is really a great sign; that means they want to learn new things and that is the way through which they learn. And you really need to put your effort in answering them. If they are too curious, then you must find the right tools to keep them engaged. Let me introduce one today. WildABLE is an iPhone app that lets user to …
It time to harvest gold! New Year is a great time for merriment, parties, drinks and dinner. Moreover, there will be resolutions, goal setting, prayers and fresh starts. In some parts of the world, people consider it as an auspicious time to buy valuables such as gold, platinum and other things. If you like to give such a start to the year, read more. Goldman HD is an iPhone app that comes from the popular app maker GameShock LLC. After …
Give That Modern Day Touch to Your Daily Record! The habit of diary writing has been slowly dying away. Most of us won’t have the luxury of time to sit and record the day’s events. As modern day sophistications such as cameras are available to record events as they happen, nobody likes the concept of diary writing. If you use the camera of your iPhone a lot, then this is the review for you. My Video Diary is a simple …