I love yoga! I don’t like it when I have to miss a class, and many of you out there know how hard it is to fit in all you want to do while getting to what needs to be done. Now, you can turn just about any location into a yoga studio, so you can fit in short sessions or full experiences whenever you want, whenever you want. YogaDownload is the app that makes it possible. Free to download, …
Category: Android
Android Apps
Have you ever sat down to think oh! What would life without your phone at its best performance look like and you just snap out of the images projected by your imagination with the speed of light? Well, I have been a victim of such imagination most times and this made me realized how much the mobile phones have been integrated to be an integral part of our daily lifestyle. Every bit of speed is important for perfect user experience …
I don’t think there is another genre that’s as well suited to mobile play than the puzzler. Puzzle games used to be a simple genre but they are one among the most popular genre on the Google play store. These days one can find a brilliant puzzle game for android. Tic Tac Toe Trio- Free multiplayer puzzle game developed by Qiu technologies takes the classic tic tac toe game to a whole new level. Now I can play tic tac …
Voice calling is the best way of communication for Smartphone users. I still remember how a few years back talking over mobile phones was not that easy. We had to deal with various technical issues while making a call. But the present technology has totally changed our calling experience. Smartphone have made our lives smooth as we are able to communicate easily with our friends and family members, no matter how much geographical distance is between us. But international calls …
This is something completely new for me, I played with some Augmented Reality (AR) games and was already pretty nice, and now the first AR social network changes things, creating a new future. But it wasn’t loved at first sight. When I heard about My World AR I didn’t understand what was about and, to be honest, even though wasn’t a good idea to have a new social media on my mobile. I was reluctant, but after seeing my friends …
Since the invention of the internet, one of the most influential internet-based industries was always gaming. Games and the gaming culture existed before the mass adoption of the internet but, this industry only experienced massive growth after the development of powerful personal computers. With that exponential evolution in gaming and gaming technologies, gambling enjoyed a lot of popularity as well. This industry has been around for longer than video games so when they entered the online space, they made sure …
Looking for a game that suits all ages? Sometimes you just need a game to keep you busy for a bit, or for a while. Candy Words is a mix of a wordscape game and Candy Crush. While you won’t be crushing tiles and eliminating them from the game space, you will be swapping tiles to make words in the least amount of time possible. The setup is such: you get a matrix of letter tiles and a list of …
Have you ever wished you could hear real time conversations of police officers on duty? Or you must have wondered why police vehicles are blasting out their sirens and driving through your neighbourhood? or why the doughnut loving police officer threw is doughnut out the window and is calling for back up? Well look no further cause today I would be reviewing an application on my blog that was created by Yama Apps which has about 10,000 downloads, that can …