Front Runners Game Is a Perfect App for Your Revolutionary Children

Front Runners

Children and their addiction to games have always been an issue. As an increasing number of 4-11-year olds now getting access to smartphones, a lot of them are already hooked on to these devices and the games on them. We’re seeing less and less of good old-fashioned games like duck-duck-goose, and hula hoops, and more and more of iPads, TVs, and video game consoles. However, there is always a bright side to it. The golden lining here is that the

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SafeToNet App SafeGuards Your Children

As a parent in today’s digital age, I am concerned about my child’s safety, particularly when it comes to what they can access on their smartphones.  With all of the new developments in technology, adults and guardians need to be savvy with what is being shared with their kids. I am well aware of the dangers that lurk on the Net, from bullying to violent images to sexual exploitation.  But as an older adult who did not grow with the

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Esploder – A Puzzle Game Where Stars Explode!

Esploder image

Nothing is as calming as the feeling of looking up in the sky at night and staring at those twinkling stars. The mystery of the universe with so many stars, planets, black holes, and all sorts of celestial phenomena has evoked our imagination since forever. Many video games have been inspired by this too. And so is the Esploder puzzle game! A unique fusion of the space genre with puzzle-solving, Esploder offers a great way of having fun. And you

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MindT – Clear the Clutter in Your Head to Live a Fuller Life

MindT app

Life in today’s world is busier than ever, even though we have technology to help make things more efficient. You could argue that it’s the technology that makes life more hectic. We are constantly wanting to feel connected, so we keep checking our devices for responses to question and posts, which means too many hours on devices and less time focusing on ourselves. Many find that meditation practice helps combat the stresses of everyday life that we impose on ourselves,

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Keep Collectibles and Wishlists Organized with allThings

allThings app

If you are a collector of anything and want to keep track of those items that are currently in your possession and those items you hope to have in your possession, you could use a spreadsheet to manage these lists, but a spreadsheet comes with limited functionality. If you were to use an app like allThings, you could post your lists or items you hope to get or buy by sharing them with your friends or fellow allThings users. allThings

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ReceiptFriend – Save and Retrieve Receipts with Ease

ReceiptFriend app

Everything is going digital. While not all businesses give you the option to get a digital receipt, many are jumping on the bandwagon. It saves space in your pocket, and it saves the Earth. Plus, it makes a ton easier to find those receipts when they are sitting in your email somewhere, compared to if they are stuffed in your glove compartment or the inner recesses of your bag – or better yet, gets thrown out with the shopping bag.

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Dreamstime – Find Stock Images Easily from a Mobile App

Dreamstime app

If you are in the business of using images and graphics that are already made and are ready to go, you know all too well the value of a superb stock image repository. These repositories most often exist online, and I am sure there are several mobile apps that offer the same, but another one to consider is Dreamstime. It’s a free download, and all you pay for is the image you wish to purchase. There are no subscription fees,

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Catch the Right Ball to Score Big in Bing Bong

Bing Bong

Nope, it’s not a baseball game, but rather, a simple arcade game that mimics a ball bouncing it’s way through a pinball machine. In Bing Bong, your aim is to catch the ball as it makes it way from the top of the screen to the bottom, before it reaches the floor. At first, the ball will fall in a somewhat straight path, with nothing in its way to divert it. As you complete each catch successfully, subsequent balls will

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