Secret Photo Album App Hides Your Photos on iPhone

Over the past three months, I have had three significant life changes; I recently became single, moved back into my parent’s house, and decided to try online dating. Meeting up with potential suitors is difficult enough, but even more so, when you have parents that like to snoop. In addition, I have this terrible habit of misplacing my phone all over the house.  Now, I would like to think that my mom wouldn’t go through my phone if she found it, but

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Esploder – A Puzzle Game Where Stars Explode!

Esploder image

Nothing is as calming as the feeling of looking up in the sky at night and staring at those twinkling stars. The mystery of the universe with so many stars, planets, black holes, and all sorts of celestial phenomena has evoked our imagination since forever. Many video games have been inspired by this too. And so is the Esploder puzzle game! A unique fusion of the space genre with puzzle-solving, Esploder offers a great way of having fun. And you

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Swiperly – Test Your Swiping Skills


If you are Dora the Explorer fan, and you like “Swiper no swiping!” then this game may not be for you, but if you can put that aside, you will have tons of fun playing. The key to this game is knowing how to swipe, in what direction to swipe, how fast to swipe and when to swipe. The object of the game is to move your playing piece, which is a ball, across a playing field. This may be

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StretchBot – Retro Platform Robot Game Engages All

StretchBot app

A game made for players of all ages, StretchBot takes tech and throws it into the 21st century and beyond, by making him a savior of ecology. In this game, you become Stretch, and your job is to almost single-handedly undo what Kid Scientist has set out to accomplish – destroy the ecosystem and take over. Stretch is steam-powered, so appropriate for the eco-friendly game that will have adults and kids alike set out on this essential mission. This do-gooder

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ijura Keeps Your Stuff Safe


Cyber threats are real. You hear about identity theft, information leaks and hackers getting into systems and taking over. And now, we do almost everything from our mobile devices – banking, shopping, home security controls and more. While it seems impossible to thwart such threats, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your stuff – at least at the mobile level. ijura is an app that makes it easy to build a wall around anything you do

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Keep Collectibles and Wishlists Organized with allThings

allThings app

If you are a collector of anything and want to keep track of those items that are currently in your possession and those items you hope to have in your possession, you could use a spreadsheet to manage these lists, but a spreadsheet comes with limited functionality. If you were to use an app like allThings, you could post your lists or items you hope to get or buy by sharing them with your friends or fellow allThings users. allThings

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Zen 8 – Bring Life to Your Story with Sound

Zen 8 Music

If you are an avid use poster of images and photos and you like stringing them together to share a story, then you have to look into Zen 8. This app does not offer anything new to the social media scene, but rather offers a great new option to add sound and music to your visuals. Pictures and videos are fun to share and say a lot, but they become monumentally more moving when paired with sound. The sound can

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