Simple game executed so very well! This is definitely not the first game or app with a concept that revolves around a ball jumping through hoops and obstacles. However, WaterBall! proves to be more than just “that kind of game”, since it offers more challenge and, consequently, more hours of fun spent playing. WaterBall! is marketed as a game with a simple jump mechanics, integrated with puzzles that will prove to be very challenging and exciting at the same time. …
Category: Android
Android Apps
It lives up to its name! Don’t you wish there was a way to backup your android phone data without having to jump through hoops and deal with complicated steps? That is now made possible by MDroid Apps’ Easy Backup, a data backup tool that backs up and restores your precious data effortlessly. Best of all, it’s also free! Using Easy Backup is easy enough. There are no lengthy instructions to deal with, and no highly technical steps that must …
Can be taken to be both a role playing game and a shoot’em up game! Puppy Wings is one game that is sure to keep users hooked to their screens because of the cool graphics and thrilling battlers. The app can be taken to be both a role playing game and a shoot’em up game. Is the game as good as the graphics everyone is seeing around? Let’s take a closer look and see if the developers did their homework. Basically, …
A highly handy tool! EZCOMMA is a grammar app that is both fun and useful in its simplicity, making it a highly handy tool for aspiring writers who are seeking to develop their writing style, as well as experienced writers who are looking for a tool that will simplify the writing process even further! Usually, it takes years and years for one person to start from learning how to write to becoming a good and an even better writer. With …
Very secure and user-friendly! One thing that human beings will always do come rain or sunshine is to communicate. We are social beings and thus communication is a basic need. We always have to interact with one another and that is why communication channels, apps and software are needed. However, with improved technology and better equipment such as smart phones; communication has been made easier and faster. Furthermore social media has increased interaction and communication by a very big margin. …
And a worthwhile pastime tool! The Millionaire GOLD app is an interesting take of the television game show: Who Wants to be a Millionaire. This show has been done in many countries with great success in each of them. Just like in the show, the app’s user tries to answer a series of questions correctly. The concept is really simple for any of the 5500 queries you solve in the 15 difficulty levels you are given a point that should …
Will never disappoint! One of the reasons as to why we download games to our android devices is so that they may be able to entertain us and make life more interesting. However it is a shame that a good number of the games that are being developed today are of poor quality and they fail to meet the customers’ expectations. However, a game like Cosmic Wars will never disappoint. This is an action filled, thrilling, fast moving and entertaining …
User-friendly and has a host of features! Everyone likes to share photos and videos of special and interesting events. There are so many platforms such as YouTube and Facebook as well as other social media sites where one can be able to share our stuff with the world. However, at times, what we may want to share may not exactly be as we want it to be; that is why we need to edit. There are quite a number of …