You’re at the store and you’ve just checked out. The salesperson hands you a receipt and you stuff it in your pocket. Fast forward to a few days later and you scramble to find that same receipt because you need to return part of your purchase. You can’t find it, because you left it in your pants that you washed yesterday. We’ve all done it. Lost a receipt, one way or another. Now, you never have to worry about losing …
Author: Vanessa Jane
Taking notes on your iPad doesn’t have to stop at just typewritten input. Past versions of the device did not support the use of a stylus, but newer versions do. This is important because sometimes what you want to capture may not always be something you can type in. Diagrams, flowcharts, quick notes and connections between ideas can only be drawn. Once you’ve drawn them, though, you want a quick and easy way to edit those rough notes to create …
Most sci-fi games try to show an idealistic future for mankind. How far can we push scientific discoveries for the benefit of our species? Is there even an end to the universe that we can travel to? Most sci-fi games ask these romantic questions and center their world around answering the unknown. On September 10th, Second Galaxy, an open world MMO developed by Zlongame, is going to unfold an alternate future for mankind on your mobile or tablet devices. Science …
There’s nothing worse than getting sick or being injured. Not only are you prevented from enjoying the things you love to do, your entire exercise program takes a big hit. Once you get better, it’s always hard restarting the program you worked so hard to maintain. There’s an app that can help you work your way back to where you left off before your exercise was suspended – SOTKA. SOTKA is a fitness app for anyone who is just starting …
We all like the finer things in life, and they can be things that cost a lot or cost nothing at all. Luxurious experiences can be range from a 14-day cruise on the Mediterranean to a camping trip in the Ozarks. Whatever it is that you find to be a treasured moment, you can share it with others, and you can even challenge them to see if they can outdo your experience. This all happens on the app called Luxigram. …
The concept of video games was first invented in the 1950s as an adjunct for testing computers inside a lab. During the same period, the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite Sputnik (Спутник-1), which marked mankind’s exploration of the universe had made a key step forward. At that time, it was hard for anyone to connect video games with the universe, and it was also hard to imagine that today, more than 60 years later, we could explore the …
It’s not every day that you find a different kind of pairing when it comes to the gaming scene. Most gaming apps have you battling aliens infiltrating your planet, defending a fortress as a tower shooter, or strategically scoping a hideout in search of the enemy. I’m about to introduce you to a game where you will have to battle with dinosaurs while you race around in a supercharged car. It’s demolition derby meets dinosaur power. How’s that for an …
If you are a Periscope user and love what it has to offer, you know all too well that there are times when you want to save a stream, so you can rewatch it or share it. As Periscope users know, content is available for limited period of time, so if you happen to be watching something need to save, there are tons of options on doing that. Given Periscope’s popularity, it’s no surprise that there are several options available …